Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Writers Block

I have not forgotten about my blog, I am just not sure what to write. Every time I sit down and try to write an entry I grow flustered because I don't know what to say. My life has grown so complicated and packed full of events or things I want to talk about, but for some reason I just not been able to pull them out of my head and pour out onto my computer. Just know that I am doing well here in this beautiful country. I am meeting amazing people everyday who both inspire me to do for my fellow human being as well as remind me how lucky I am to have what I have back home in the U.S.. So without mentioning one particular event I see my experience thus far like having always lived in a valley overlooked by tall mountains. Even though the valley is beautiful it grows familiar and ordinary, so slowly, the splendor loses it's effect and thus taken for granted. Until one day I leave the valley to climb the near by mountain. After struggling through the difficult climb and finally reaching the top, I am able to see the valley from a very different and very dramatic angle. With this new view the magnificence of the place I have lived my whole life comes back to life for me but I can also see other places of equal beauty and figure why stop now, my valley will always been there to return to so I set off to discover new things keeping in mind that my home will be there waiting for me, if or when I run out of places to come across.

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